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Fire of Torah: Rav Ahron Kotler

Product Description
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The Fire of Rab Aharon Kotler and his mesirus nefesh for Torah in America are captured in these amazing firsthand accounts of students and askanim from 1940 to early 1960. Each unforgettable story is told by a person who was there and actually witnessed it unfold, recreating the experience of being in Rav Aharon's presence.

Be inspired by his insatiable thirst for Torah; feel his love and concern for every Jew. He was a man of action and truth, hard as steel in fighting with all his strength for what was right - but soft as a reed with talmidim and family. These astonishing recollections reveal Rav Aharon's keen perception, holy spirit, and intensity of commitment to do Hashem's will.

Here is an awe-inspiring glimpse of the colossal goan and tzaddik who revolutionized the world of Torah Jewry.

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