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Most of us think of avodah zarah as something repugnant, forbidden, and entirely outside our scope of interest. But its treatment in Tanach and by Chazal shows much complexity that we gloss over. Rabbi Klein, a talmid chacham and scholar, does the heavy lifting for us, uncovering what we need to know - and entirely in the spirit of Chazal and our mesorah.
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Director of Interfaith Affairs, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Much of the Bible is an attack on various pagan rituals that were practiced by the Israelites and their neighbors…But the exact meaning and nature of what is being condemned and why are shrouded in mystery - with the result that large parts of our own sacred texts are simply not understood. Rabbi Klein is providing a very useful service in filling this lacuna.
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rav, Kehillat Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem, Israel
Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein once again combines traditional rabbinic scholarship with historical and archeological information to give us a complete and comprehensive treatment of a vast topic…Engaging and informative, this unique book is highly recommended for those who want to gain a deeper understanding of the main obstacle to the Jewish People's relationship with G-d in the time of the Bible.
Rabbi Dr. Zvi Ron, Editor, Jewish Bible Quarterly
About the Author
Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is a native of Valley Village, CA. He graduated Emek Hebrew Academy and Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles before going to study at the famed Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem and in Beth Medrash Govoha of America in Lakewood, NJ. He received rabbinic ordination from leading authorities Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Lerner, and Dayan Chanoch Sanhedrai. He is also a member of the RCA, an alumnus of Ohr LaGolah, and was awarded a summer fellowship at the Tikvah Institute for Yeshiva Men in 2015.
Mosaica Press published his first book, Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew in 2014, and it became an instant classic. Rabbi Klein has also published papers in several prestigious journals, including Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society (New York), Jewish Bible Quarterly (Jerusalem), Kovetz Hamaor (Monsey), and Kovetz Kol HaTorah (London). Many of his writings and lectures are available for free on the internet. Rabbi Klein is currently a member of the Kollel of Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem and lives with his wife and children in Beitar Illit, Israel.